High Protein Foods.[Part 4]

Welp, we know what we'll be having for lunch today. All varieties of tuna — white, albacore, yellowfin — have around 25 grams of protein and only 150 calories in a three-ounce serving, making it an easy dieting win. That said, limit your intake: Experts say it's best to stick to less than 12 ounces of seafood per week (no more than six if you're pregnant), to make sure you're not overdoing it on the mercury, says Eades.
Not including the soy sauce or, um, heavy pour of sea salt on top (it's okay, we do it, too), this classic app boasts about 17 grams of protein per cup. As with most soy products though, Eades says to be careful about how much you dig in. "Soybeans contain a fair amount of estrogen, so even though soy can definitely keep you full, it can also cause unwanted side effects sometimes," she says. Namely we're talkin' bloat, headaches, and tender breasts. For the most part though, if you order a plate of edamame or drink a glass of soy milk now and again, Eades says you should still be a-okay.

Your mom didn't badger you to eat the stuff for nothing: The florets are super low-cal, contain about 5 grams of protein per cup, and host a laundry-list of nutrients, including filling soluble fiber, folate, potassium, and vitamins K and C. And even though experts say the green veggie can sometimes be hard to digest because of their complex sugars, Katie Cavuto, M.S., a nutritionist and registered dietitian, recommends eating them with a dietary supplement (try Digest Gold) to make it easier on your tummy. So, as long as it's not covered in cheese sauce, broccoli is, hands down, a dieting do.


We could go on for days about why unsalted almonds are the ideal weight-loss snack, but in a nutshell, it all comes down to the mono-saturated fats that make them highly satiating without any extra calories, says Eades. To make the deal even sweeter, studies suggest that regularly eating 20 to 23 almonds (which boast around 7 grams of protein) per day can help you maintain a healthy weight and decrease the odds of gaining any back due to their vitamin E, magnesium, and phytochemicals that control the fluctuations of blood glucose during digestion. In short, keep a bag of them in your desk drawer at all times.
36.Bone Broth

When mom said it's what's on the inside that counts, we're sure she was totally talking about the not-so-pleasant-looking bone broth. Even though the stuff doesn't look very appetizing, it's actually quite tasty and contains all sorts of health benefits, including gelatin to ease digestion and collagen that helps maintain bone health — oh, and 6 grams of protein per cup. Make it easy to whip up a batch and try our slow-cooker version to reap the health rewards.
37.Rye Berries

Also known as the seed-looking things you often see in pumpernickel bread. It's not a very well-known food, but it's certainly one of the most protein-filled. A quarter-cup of this superfood packs an impressive 7 grams, making it ideal for instantly upping your soup or salad's protein game. But be warned: Though there's no denying it's a powerhouse of a food, at around 150 calories per quarter-cup, it's crucial to make sure you're watching your portion size for these guys.

Need a healthy side dish but can't bear the thought of yet another night of steamed veggies? We feel you. Opt for a cup of red or white quinoa, which researchers say are loaded with lysine, one of the nine essential amino acids needed to produce collagen for your bones and muscle tissue recovery. You'll also get 8 grams of protein, and research says the grain's high fiber content makes it one of the most digestible and filling carbohydrates out there, beating out buckwheat pasta, brown rice, barley, and wheat. As if that wasn't enough already, quinoa is also high in the riboflavin vitamin B complex that's essential for breaking down carbs and fat.

If you're gluten-free, you probably already know what buckwheat is. The grain-like seeds are full of protein, packing in 12 grams per 1/2 cup serving. It also has 9 grams of fiber, which makes it a win-win: You'll stay full and satisfied without warping your waistline. Use it in everything from cookies to gnocchi.

Guava might be one of Instagram's most likable fruits, but it also has some serious health chops. For one cup being only 112 calories, it rings in at 4.2 grams of protein — that's more than any other fruit —and also more than a lot of veggies. The tropical fruit might be a little trickier to find (check your closest health-oriented grocery store, like Whole Foods!), but it's worth the extra effort.