
Showing posts from September, 2024

High Protein Foods.[Part 1]

1.Lima Beans Beans are always a solid source of protein, and lima beans in particular contain 15 grams a cup. Plenty of people hate them, but when you cook them properly, they're  really  good —  promise. Avoid the canned stuff and roast them in the oven, add them into soups, or sneak them into your baked dishes. 2.Corn At 16 grams of protein a cup, corn is something you should be eating year-round. Eat it right off the cob or add it into your tacos or casseroles. 3.Potatoes Who doesn't love potatoes? They tend to get a bad rap, but they shouldn't: One medium spud has 4.3 grams of protein to keep you full throughout the day. Skip the calorie-loaded mashed version and try baking your own fries, or set up a healthy baked potato bar for dinner. 4.Asparagus Asparagus is one of those vegetables that's easy to forget about, but with nearly 3 grams of protein per cup, it should be part of everyone's diet. And at only 27 calories per cup, that's pretty much a  steal . A...

High Protein Foods.[Part 2]

11.Hemp Seeds When you're in desperate need of some crunch in your salad, skip the croutons and go for hemp seeds — a three-tablespoon serving dishes out 10 grams of protein. Toss them in raw, or toast on the stove beforehand to unleash a nutty aroma so they smell as good as they taste. 12.Chocolate Milk Next time you pour the kiddos a cup, get yourself one, too. Chocolate milk serves up 8 grams of protein, one for every ounce in your glass. Opt for single-serve boxes from brands like organic valley they don't need to be refrigerated, so you can toss one in the car to down on your way to work, or sip after driving home from the gym.  13.Amaranth Quinoa isn't the only ancient grain with a high-protein punch. In fact, when you look at the two cup for cup, amaranth actually has more — 9 grams compared to quinoa's eight. You can cook it the same exact way you would quinoa, so swap it into one of these comfort good recipes for an easy flavor switch. 14.Peas While most veggie...

High Protein Foods.[Part 3]

21.White Beans Generally speaking, organic white beans are a good way to rack up protein points without having to resort to an animal-based source, says Eades. Whether they're in the form of navy bean soup or eaten as a side dish with dinner, a one-cup serving contains about 16 grams of protein and a hefty amount of thiamine, a vitamin that helps your body metabolize carbs more efficiently. Before you load up your cart, though, make sure you're picking out the right kind of white beans, explains Perlmutter. "A lot of the legumes we are picking up nowadays have been treated with harmful herbicides, so it's important consumers are eating something that is organically-grown and not treated with harsh chemicals. 22.Pumpkin Seeds  Before going to town on the salad you whipped up for lunch, top it off with a small scoop of crunchy pumpkin seeds. Even a tablespoon serving can pack 3 to 5 grams of protein in it. Of course, with the sneaky calorie count — there...

High Protein Foods.[Part 4]

31.Tuna Welp, we know what we'll be having for lunch today. All varieties of tuna — white, albacore, yellowfin — have around 25 grams of protein and only 150 calories in a three-ounce serving, making it an easy dieting win. That said, limit your intake: Experts  say  it's best to stick to less than 12 ounces of seafood per week (no more than six if you're pregnant), to make sure you're not overdoing it on the mercury, says Eades. 32.Edamame Not including the soy sauce or, um,  heavy  pour  of sea salt on top (it's okay, we do it, too), this classic app boasts about 17 grams of protein per cup. As with most soy products though, Eades says to be careful about how much you dig in. "Soybeans contain a fair amount of estrogen, so even though soy can definitely keep you full, it can also cause unwanted side effects sometimes," she says. Namely we're talkin' bloat, headaches, and tender breasts. For the most part though, if you order a plate of edamame or...