High Protein Foods.[Part 1]
1.Lima Beans Beans are always a solid source of protein, and lima beans in particular contain 15 grams a cup. Plenty of people hate them, but when you cook them properly, they're really good — promise. Avoid the canned stuff and roast them in the oven, add them into soups, or sneak them into your baked dishes. 2.Corn At 16 grams of protein a cup, corn is something you should be eating year-round. Eat it right off the cob or add it into your tacos or casseroles. 3.Potatoes Who doesn't love potatoes? They tend to get a bad rap, but they shouldn't: One medium spud has 4.3 grams of protein to keep you full throughout the day. Skip the calorie-loaded mashed version and try baking your own fries, or set up a healthy baked potato bar for dinner. 4.Asparagus Asparagus is one of those vegetables that's easy to forget about, but with nearly 3 grams of protein per cup, it should be part of everyone's diet. And at only 27 calories per cup, that's pretty much a steal . A...